Class IX-X

Compulsory pass in English, 2nd Language, SUPW and pass in any 3 of the following :

i) History and Geography,

ii) Science

iii) Mathematics

iv) Eco/Comp Appl. The pass mark for each subject is 33%. Minimum aggregate of 40%.

Class XI-XII : Compulsory pass in English and SUPW and pass in any 3 other subjects. The Pass mark for each subject is 35%. Minimum aggregate of 45%.

  1. The progress reports will be given to the parents at the end of each term.
  2. Reports will not be given to those students whose fees / other dues are not paid upto date.
  3. A fine of Rs. 50/- will be charged if the Report Book is lost or damaged.

Promotion will be on the overall performance during the year.

The decision of the school authorities regarding promotion is final. Requests for reconsideration of a decision will not be entertained. Pupils not found fit for promotion for two consecutive years will have to leave the school.

Criteria for promotion :

Class V-VIII : Compulsory pass in 5 subjects which will include English Language, 2nd Language and Math. Minimum aggregate is 40%.

Class IX-X : Compulsory pass in English, 2nd Language, SUPW and pass in any 3 of the following : i) History and Geography, ii) Science iii) Mathematics iv) Eco/Comp Appl. The pass mark for each subject is 35%. Minimum aggregate of 40%.

Class XI-XII : Compulsory pass in English and SUPW and pass in any 3 other subjects. The Pass mark for each subject is 40%. Minimum aggregate of 45%.

Evaluation System

Unit Test & Project

The School will provide answer sheets for unit tests. The students will have to bring their own project paper. The responsibility for the safekeeping of corrected unit test answer sheet & corrected project is with the student. In case of any discrepancy regarding marks attained by the student, the student must produce the corrected unit test answer sheet or project, failing which the mark registered with the teacher will be taken as the final mark. Project will be taken only on assigned day.

Examination : The school year is divided into two terms, and there are examinations at the end of each term. These terms end in October and March.

System of Tests


Half  Yearly: In the first term there will be at least one class test and project in each subject. The total marks obtained in the tests (Maximum 20) and the first test term exam (Maximum 80) will give the final result for the term.

Final Term: same system for the first term.

Discipline: 100 marks allotted in the Grand Total in the Final Term for entire session.



Half Yearly : In the first term there will be at least one class test in each subject. The total of the marks obtained in the tests (maximum 20) and the first term exam (maximum 80) will give the final result for the term.

Final Term :Class V & VIII – The final exam will be of 80 marks; 10 marks will be from the projects and 10 marks from unit tests.


Class IX – XII The Final / Rehearsal exam will be of 80 marks; 20 marks will be from Unit Test / Tests.

Absence during unit tests and examination :

Children are not allowed to attend school for only part of the day( only to answer the test). This is to discourage parents from sending sick children to school. If your child is sick, do not send the child to school. Send a letter with a medical certificate within the next two days. The child will be marked sick for the subject.

Students absent for the test without a leave letter will get zero. Those absent on medical reason will be marked sick for those subjects on production of a doctor’s certificate. They will get a rank for the term if they miss one unit test or project (Not Exam).

Use of unfair means :

Any student detected using unfair means in a test or examination will get zero for that paper. If this malpractice is repeated a Transfer Certificate will be issued.


Pupils must be punctual and regular. Minimum attendance required is 75% .
Parents are strongly discouraged from keeping students at home before exams on the pretext of ‘Study Leave’. Reason for absence from School must be recorded by the parents in the School diary and countersigned by the Class teacher (for 1-2 days). For longer periods of absence on medical grounds supporting medical documents and a ‘Medically Fit Certificate’ should be sent with the child when he/she rejoins.